Thursday 16 May 2013

The Three Rings

Guess what we did today? Here's what we did. We had a part of the morning doing Affective Domain. Katie brought up an image of three rings. This is a model of giftedness by a man named Joseph Renzulli. The three things that he says you need to be gifted are:  Task Commitment, Above Average Ability, and Creativity. Next, she showed us another model of giftedness. That one was about Francoise Gagne's perspective.  His model is REALLY big, but if you had to say it in one sentence - you are born with a gift, and you need to work hard to grow your gift.  Along the way, good and bad things can happen, but you have to keep persisting!!!

1 comment:

  1. I really like Gagne's theory Jackson. Talent will get you so far but hard work will get you over the line. I certainly see you persisting and striving to fully use your wonderful talent with number operations in class. Keep up the great posts.
