Thursday 7 March 2013

Fractal maths

Fractals is a maths pattern where the same shape is used over and over in a bigger shape - Broccoli is an example of a fractal so is lightening and rivers and trees!
  When we started we drew a simple triangle then another one on top to make a "Star of David." 
You may think it sounds easy..... well I'm telling you it's not! Not at all! 
And then it goes from hard to really hard!
 Next we had to use a ruler and measure each point of the star into 3rd's then half the middle third. 
Then each of the middle thirds became another point on a smaller star.
 Confused?? Here is a picture of my Koch snowflake.


  1. The Fractals look great Jackson and you have done an awesome job at explaining how to make one. I look forward to reading more of your blogs.
    Mrs Compton

  2. That's really imaginative jackson.
