Sunday, 30 March 2014


Words and puzzles - in short terms - Wuzzles. As a brain-booster today I got to do Wuzzles.  The way a Wuzzle works is that you get letters then turn them into a brain-racking puzzle. Nicola's puzzles were.... you have a sheet with 1 - 20 on it,  then there was a box with 20 different shape types. We had to put the shapes in alphabetical order - oh,  and this was just the warm-up. The second sheet was horizontal alphabetical order. There were 15 puzzles with random letters scattered in a line. EXAMPLE: 

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Lordes giftedness

"You need to memorise this sheet". 
These were the worst words I'd ever heard out of Nicola's mouth. 7 other people and I had to memorise the 11 scholarly habits. I found it Extremely Treacherous. Eventually, the good stuff came. We got a sheet that had the 11 scholarly habits listed. Then we got to watch a video where Lorde's teacher was talking about Lorde. 
I found that Lorde is very gifted.

My final rotation was Aurasma. Aurasma is an app  where you can go to images that have videos in them. I got paired up with Daniel. Daniel and I made a video , named it then finally put it in a picture.  We could then watch the video using the app.  

Stay tuned for next weeks blog.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Curly questions

Hi everyone, This is my second blog of the year. We learned the difference between open questions and closed questions. Open questions require a long descriptive answer while closed questions require one word answer. 
About an hour ago I had to think of 10 curly questions for Daniel. It made me think hard about what I wanted to know about Daniel. E.g Who inspires you? What do they do to inspire you? He said Steve Irwin. Another question was What do you have a passion for and why? Daniel said he would like to do science because then he could do chemistry.

Bye for today.